Thursday, March 15, 2007


"Beckett’s plays are studies in absence; from the moment when Victor Krapp turns his back on the audience, through Godot’s non-arrival, through the unprovided conclusions of Endgame, Happy Days, and Play, the unacknowledged past in Krapp’s Last Tape, the missing rings in Come and Go, the plays have always relied for their theatrical effectiveness on the audience’s awareness of gaping holes in the dramatic timespace as explored in performance.... dramatic timespace equals performance timespace. All that we can be sure of in the lives of these characters, and in the lives of these plays, is what we see in front of us in performance. Similarly, the characters do not find their selfhood in a coherent past or in a planned-out future: they exist only as they act. In the later plays, even that certainty has gone." Space, Time, and the Self in Beckett’s Late Theatre
DAVID PATTIE taken 15/3/7

Holliger remarked "Beckett would have undoubtedly hated Come and Go because I used his play as a pretext, and in the end I destroyed it."

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Comicbook Stickies and Drawing

RE: Helen said "maybe we could use humpty dumpty for something else - it could be interesting to experiment with a few short kids' things - we had talked of possibly having a kids' section in the festival, & we have "the rabbits" that louise & i can do. it could be fun to experiment with a few, perhaps using drawing?"

yes, I was thinking along these lines, but not necessarily for children. More like comic book or line drawings for adults. So we could use all those basic little stickies I made for World X, against a white background - and then, as in the story 'henry and the purple crayon' - the sticky world can be drawn into being.

I'd really like an adult drawing cartoon. Give it a strong storyline - even based on a nursery rhym

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Come and Go

RE: Vicki "come and go worked best for me was with the witches [nothing else] it was tight and magic"
I agree, I love those Witch Avatars, they seem to fit the text perfectly well.
RE: Vicki "i think the pace and text leave so much room for imagination i like the formality and the space the text gives "
Ditto. My initial research into rights suggest that if Beckett's nephew approves the use, he will allow it - regardless of how big or small the company is - as long as it stays true to the text. If we are going to try and get permission to perform Come & Go, I'd be very happy to just stage it but it would be hard to stay 'true to the text' if that means restrictions on our use of avatars etc., which it probably does.

Overall a bit disheartened because it might be that we cannot do this play. In which case, the sooner we move on to one we can do the better. We have 3 months left, give or take committments and holidays, enough time to use what we have learned for another text. What do you think?